Wednesday, August 1, 2007
episode 022 – hard day at work

Guest Star (s):Vina Uyen Mi – Receptionist
Bang Tam – Owner of coffee shop[Gucci Company]
Nhu Loan walks into the company knowing nothing to do. She sees models running here and there to get clothes off of hangers. Nhu Loan walks confusingly toward a room and stare inside to see the same guy,
Tran Thai Hoa, which have interviewed her the other day.
Nhu Loan smile looking at Tran Thai Hoa giving a speech and she wonders what he was talking about. Her smile continues to get bigger and bigger when she sees him look at her which causes her to blushes.
Suddenly someone from behind tap her on the shoulder. When Nhu Loan turns around it was the receptionist,
Vina Uyen Mi.
“Why are you standing here?” Vina Uyen Mi asks.
“I came, but…” Nhu Loan tries to explain when Vina Uyen Mi interrupted, “I don’t want to hear it follow me.”
Nhu Loan follows Vina Uyen Mi through the company passing room by room. After what seem to be a long walk they stop at a hallway which look unclean and disgusting with toilet papers and what seems to be vomit all over the floors.
Nhu Loan covers her mouth trying not to throw up, “What is this place?”
“Your changing room will be right here.” Vina Uyen Mi opens the door to her right which gave the smell of dead peoples.
Nhu Loan looks walks inside the extremely small room and sees row of empty hangers, “I’m suppose to get dress here?”
“Is there a problem?” Vina Uyen Mi gives Nhu Loan a bag and walks off.
Nhu Loan put the bag on the floor and turns on the light. Nhu Loan then looks around the room and sighs, “At least I get my own room.”
Nhu Loan opens the bag and sees a nasty brown looking dress, but manage to put it back on. After she puts on the dress, Nhu Loan walks out the room to see two models vomiting at the corners. Nhu Loan makes a disgusting face and runs off.
As Nhu Loan was walking she notice that everyone she passes had an evil look at her which causes her to be embarrass. Nhu Loan rolls her eyes when she sees Vina Uyen Mi walking toward her ways.
“What took you so long?” Vina Uyen Mi screams as she walks quickly.
“Where are we going?” Nhu Loan asks as she follows Vina Uyen Mi.
“Your first photo shoots.”
Nhu Loan smile, “This is wonderful my first day and I already get to work in a photo shoots.”
Vina Uyen Mi and Nhu Loan reach a room where a photographer was taking pictures at a model posing over a fake bridge.
“Where are the background models?” The photographer screams.
Vina Uyen Mi pushes Nhu Loan toward the photographer, “Here is one there will be more coming soon.”
“What…? I’m a background model?” Nhu Loan points at herself.
“Are you expecting to be a super model on your first day?” Vina Uyen Mi rolls her eyes.
Nhu Loan makes a sad face and walks over to the fake set, “A background model…?”
“She looks too good for a background model! Put on some make-up and mess up her hair.” The photographer screams.
“The room’s not that big you don’t have to scream.” Nhu Loan whispers to herself.
A man,
Lay Minh, runs toward Nhu Loan with a make-up kit and starts putting on make-up and he eventually puts a brown wig on her. Lay Minh then gives Nhu Loan a mirror and her eyes bulges at the horrifying site. Her hair was now brown with leaves glued to it while she has dark brown make-up on.
“What am I suppose to be?” Nhu Loan frowns.
“Lay in that.” The photographer points under the bridge where there were brown muds everywhere.
Nhu Loan take a deep breath and walks under the bridge once the mud touches the bottom of her feet Nhu Loan made a disgusting face. “It’s just like a mud bath.”
Once Nhu Loan lays herself down on the mud she starts to sink to where only her face was showing. She desperately tries to float up by twisting both her leg background. On top the photographer floats in the air with a raising machine and starts to captures at the model looking up.
Nhu Loan tries to look seductive and sexy even with her nasty looking hair and make-up while sinking deep into the dark brown mud, “This isn’t all that bad. Pretty relaxing…”
After the photo shoots Nhu Loan walks all the way back to her dark and nasty hall to take a shower. Nhu Loan peaks inside the bathroom to see if anyone was inside. Once she realizes no one was there she tip toe toward the shower and takes off her muddy dress. Nhu Loan turns on the shower and screams, “Why is this so cold?”
Even in the cold water Nhu Loan still manage to clean herself up once she finish Nhu Loan puts back on her original clothes. Nhu Loan takes another deep breath and walks toward the door when she sees a large cockroach crawling across the room. In fear Nhu Loan screams and runs straight toward the door. She continues to run in fear with her hand waving in the air and her eyes close.
Because of having her eyes close she accidentally runs straight into Tran Thai Hoa arms. Nhu Loan opens her eyes and sees herself in Tran Thai Hoa arms and smiles shyly, “You’re so hot!”
“What?” Tran Thai Hoa asks.
“I mean I’m so sorry.” Nhu Loan bob her heads up and down and runs toward the exit.
Tran Thai Hoa smile sweetly at Nhu Loan who has a trail of toilet paper stuck to the bottom of her shoes while running and bumping into people as she tries to make an exit.
[Police office, Tuan Ngoc’s Office]“It’s all her fault!”
Cat Tien points at
Tu Quyen.
Tu Quyen folds her hand while sitting down, “How it is my fault?”
“How it is not your fault?” Cat Tien rolls her eyes.
“Can one of you tell me what happened?”
Tuan Ngoc rubs his forehead.
“I told her to go interview and ‘talk’ to the witness, but instead she went and stalk the guy causing to get frighten and scare.” Tu Quyen explains.
“No, no, no she told me to go stalk to him not talk to him.” Cat Tien depends herself.
Tu Quyen and Cat Tien scream and argue leaving Tuan Ngoc with a big headache listening to the two. “Shut up!” Tuan Ngoc screams, “Both of you. I’m your chief and if I say you work together then you’ll work together. If you don’t like it the door is that way.” Tuan Ngoc presents the door.
Tu Quyen and Cat Tien look at each other and Cat Tien sticks her tongue out at Tu Quyen while Tu Quyen folds her arm and falls back onto the chair taking in a deep breath.
“Anymore questions?” Tuan Ngoc screams spitting in Cat Tien and Tu Quyen’s face.
“No sir!” Both Tu Quyen and Cat Tien salute.
They both walk toward the door and Cat Tien tries to walk faster to get out of the door first. “Cat Tien…?” Tu Quyen says in a sweet voice.
“What do you need madam Quyen?” Cat Tien twinkle her eyes.
“Isn’t madam supposed to walk in the front?”
“No… I mean of course.” Cat Tien fakes a sweet voice as she sees Tuan Ngoc looking at them. Cat Tien opens the door and hold it for Tu Quyen to walk out, “It’s good to be madam Quyen.”
Tu Quyen walks back to her room leaving Cat Tien mad.
Andy Quach walks over to Cat Tien and asks, “What happened in there? We heard you scream, then Tu… Madam Quyen scream and even chief Tuan Ngoc scream.”
“It’s her.” Cat Tien points at Tu Quyen’s office, “She always have to have her way. I wish I wasn’t working under her.”
“We only have one madam and she’s a pretty good teacher only if you don’t fight…” Andy Quach began to look sad.
Cat Tien looks at the office opposite of Tu Quyen’s office, “Whose office is that?”
“I have no idea since I joined I have never seen anyone walk out of that office or in. I heard peoples say that he has the same position as Madam Quyen, maybe even higher.”
“Oh really…? Meaning I can get a way out of being under control of that evil woman.” Cat Tien seem interested.
“Mostly all the new officers are under Madam Quyen, while the more experience one are under him.”
“It’s a him…?” Cat Tien smile devilishly.
[Wisteria High School, Cooking Class]After telling
Van Quynh she won’t need a ride home,
Angela Tram Anh walks back into the cooking class to find
Duong Trieu Vu waiting for her.
“You really want to learn this?” Angela Tram Anh asks.
“I do. I want to make it for someone.” Duong Trieu Vu answers.
“Someone you love?” Angela Tram Anh says in a mad tone.
“I have too. She’s my mother.”
After hearing it was his mother Angela Tram Anh starts to smile again, “Well the first step of making fried eggs is we need eggs and then…”
Angela Tran Anh continues to teach Duong Trieu Vu what Van Quynh had taught her yesterday night. “This is enough for today.”
“But I want to finish learning before that special day.”
“It’s getting really late and I have to get home.” Angela Tram Anh says.
“How longer is the recipe?”
Angela Tram Anh lies, “Not much longer.”
“Well I’ll see you tomorrow.” Duong Trieu Vu leaves while studying the paper where he has written down the recipe.
“I haven’t even finished learning how to cook it yet. How am I supposed to teach it to you?” Angela Tram Anh scratches her head.
[Hospital, Bang Tam’s Room]Minh Tuyet once again walks alone with a basket of fruit in one hand and a bocce of flowers in another. Minh Tuyet walks in with a huge fake smile on her face, “How are you doing today?”
“I’m doing quite well.”
Bang Tam says in a reserve voice.
Minh Tuyet walks over and places the gifts on the counter and sits herself next to Bang Tam, “I want to apologize about the other day where I…”
“It’s ok I understand.”
“You do…?” Minh Tuyet smile.
“I understand that after the incident you have been taken care of the shop and fell in love working at the shop.”
“Yes that’s it…”
“However, I can’t sell it to you because it’s my family business.”
“Well…” Minh Tuyet stands up, “What can I do for you to sell me that shop?”
“I’m sorry Minh Tuyet. I truly thank you for taking care of the shop, but I can’t sell it to you.” Bang Tam tries to hold Minh Tuyet hands, but Minh Tuyet pushes her hands away.
“How could you say you understand?” Minh Tuyet shakes her head and walks off angrily.
[Home, Living room]Bao Han and Van Quynh sit on the sofa watching TV when the door flings open. Standing at the door was the furious Tu Quyen, she slams the door behind her, and screams “I hate her so much!”
Tu Quyen walks over to the sofa and sits herself down next to Bao Han and takes the bowl of ice-cream out of her hand and starts to eat it.
“That was mine…?”
“I’m mad.” Tu Quyen screams.
“Shit!” Van Quynh stands up and starts pouring drinks and throwing foods all over the floor. “Tu Quyen I accidentally drop some foods and drinks can you come and clean it up for me?”
Tu Quyen walks over to Van Quynh and hugs her, “Thank you.”
“Smart move…” Bao Han points at Van Quynh.
Suddenly the door flies open again, but this time standing at the door was Nhu Loan with her hair still wet and smug make-up and trail of toilet paper under her shoes. Nhu Loan slams the door behind her, and screams, “I hate my job so much!”
Nhu Loan walks and sits next to Bao Han, who tries to moves away from the sticky Nhu Loan. “I’m so miserable.” Nhu Loan hugs the non breathing Bao Han.
Bao Han mouth the word to Van Quynh, “She stinks.”
Van Quynh leaves the room and come back with air freshener, “Best for stinky mess.” Van Quynh starts to blows it around Nhu Loan’s body; that was still sobbing and crying.
“Thank you!” Bao Han mouth the word to Van Quynh.
Suddenly the door slams hard against the wall.
“Another one…?” Bao Han and Van Quynh scream.
Minh Tuyet throws her purse at the stairs case as she slam the door. “Who does she think she is? I don’t take care of things for free!” Minh Tuyet walks angrily over and sits on the other side of Bao Han.
“Can you believe it?” Minh Tuyet screams at Bao Han.
“Yes I believe you can kill me with your screaming.”
“I’m so mad!” Minh Tuyet screams.
Van Quynh sighs and runs up the stairs. Once she returns she holds a gigantic pillow and throws it at Minh Tuyet, “You know me so well.” Minh Tuyet began to punches and cusses at the pillow.
“This is going to be a long night.” Bao Han shakes her head.
“Tell me about it.” Van Quynh turns on the volume of the TV to drown over the crying, sobbing, screaming, and cussing of the ladies.
Labels: Bang Tam, fanfic, lay minh, Vina Uyen Mi
11:50 AM