I purposely opened season one of "Modern Beauties" with the four original housewives – Susan Mayer, Bree Van De Kamp, Lynette Scavo, and Gabriella Solis – leaving their home, Wisteria Lane. In this episode you are also introduce with the new housewives – Bao Han, Nhu Loan, Tu Quyen and Minh Tuyet – even though they are no where near being housewives, but extraordinary beauties.
In the next episode “Home” you sees and know where the ‘beauties’ lives – in the old house of one of the housewives, Gabriella Solis. I thought that was most appropriate because there were five of them living together and that was the biggest house out of the four. Then we all realizes that Minh Tuyet wasn’t as sweet or innocent in episode one, but a fake, manipulative person. Van Quynh appears during this episode as Minh Tuyet’s little sister. This episode wasn’t only to show where the housewives live, but shows how reckless and evil Minh Tuyet is to push an old lady, Khanh Ly. Also to shows how distance and silent between the two sisters.
Episode three “War Arising” got more exciting and interesting as there was a murder case that happens in the back yard of Eddie Britt. However, it turns out it wasn’t her when she returns from a night out she wouldn’t tell therefore she was taken to custody and questions by Tu Quyen. When Eddie was being asks outside the office one of the housewives in the neighborhood, Huong Lan, confronts the way the ‘beauties’ dress and act. Ho Le Thu, Eddie’s co-workers, also steps in to support the housewives even to the point that she slaps Huong Lan across the face. This episode left many confused because they have no idea why that dead body was in Eddie’s backyard. And also interested because we all love a fight!
When episode four “Rise of the past” began the ‘beauties’ and housewives still fight, but stopped by Tu Quyen. As the episode progresses we learn about their past and how different they were during their high school years. I did this because it was entertaining to see the ‘beauties’ throws secrets that they have kept for years at each other. Then the episode ends with Van Quynh confronting where Minh Tuyet was at last night. This causes speculation that Minh Tuyet was the killer of the dead body in Eddie’s back yard. However, Van Quynh was only asking about the egged incident about Khanh Ly’s house.
We then meet Bang Kieu, the son of Khanh Ly, in this episode. Khanh Ly seems to dislike Minh Tuyet, but who can blame her since she did push her off the taxi. This episode is named “Asking her out” because Bang Kieu and Minh Tuyet share an intimate love-at-first-sight that he ask her out the next day.
On Bang Kieu and Minh Tuyet’s first official date they runs into a killer, Huy Vu; who we later finds out that he was the past lover of Tu Quyen, but to why he personally targeted this shop. We don’t know! At the same moment we are introduced to Luong Tung Quang, he was supposedly in the coffee shop waiting for Huy Vu to make a move. The two gets into a fight, but because of the mistake of Bang Tam, the owner of the coffee shop, Huy Vu manage to take advantage. This episode “Coffee Shop” was specifically written for excitement and lure in more viewers.
Andy Quach, a police officer under Tu Quyen, confesses his love toward Tu Quyen since he knew that once Tu Quyen enters the coffee shop, she might not make it out alive. Tu Quyen rejected his love since she was his mentor, teacher. I wanted Andy Quach to tell Tu Quyen that he loved her because I wanted to show what happened to Huy Vu to causes him go crazy and hold citizens hostage. At first I wanted to kill Huy Vu off during this episode, but then I wanted more of him in the near future therefore I let four person get shot – Huy Vu by Tu Quyen, Ha Vy also Huy Vu’s wife, Bang Tam, and Andy Quach while trying to save Tu Quyen. “Dead love” indicates to the viewers and Huy Vu that the love shared between Tu Quyen and he was over.
This episode starts out with Andy Quach dieing in the ambulance still confessing his love to Tu Quyen; who stayed by his side. Andy Quach manages to stay alive with minor injures while Bang Tam; who also manage to survive was more major. After Andy Quach wakes we also learn as other characters in the story that he and Tu Quyen were going out. During the funeral of Ha Vy, Tu Quyen finds out that Huy Vu is still alive which also represents the title “Rise from the dead”.
To everyone surprise Huy Vu is still alive, but remain in a coma. We then hear Tu Quyen saying she still loves Huy Vu and Andy Quach heard. This was done purposely because I wanted to show a sign that the couple wouldn’t stay with each other long since Tu Quyen only went out with Andy Quach because she was scare that if she rejected him like she did to Huy Vu. Andy Quach would go crazy! Bang Kieu and Minh Tuyet accept the request from Bang Tam to take care of the coffee shop until she is all well. We then know where Bao Han works and how her co-workers are not to kind to her. Nhu Loan then told off a model, Cat Ly, fighting for a job that uses their body. Because of all their promises of being better this episode was named “Making promises”.
This episode shows the other side of the ‘beauties’ being slob and being 'normal'. Tu Quyen actually admits that she still loves Huy Vu, but she didn’t want to hurt Andy Quach’s feelings. Cat Tien was introduces into this episode as another police newbie under Tu Quyen. At first Cat Tien was excited and happy to be under Tu Quyen, but soon turns when she realizes she like Andy Quach. Once Tu Quyen sees Andy Quach and Cat Tien sitting under a tree talking and laughing, Tu Quyen takes it the wrong way and it leads to a “Misleading evidence”.
“Ancient love” is the name of this episode because we are introduce to “Lu Bu”, an online chatter that Bao Han nevers know. I know most of you are confuse to why I used Lu Bu and Diao Chan as the screen name of the two. Diao Chan is known as one of the four ancient beauties in China and Lu Bu was one of her intimate lover. Tu Quyen and Andy Quach fights over the incident between Cat Tien and Andy Quach leaving him unfocused during driving which leads to a car accident.
Tu Quyen hurriedly gets to the hospital to check on Andy Quach because she now realizes she did love Andy Quach. Once Tu Quyen and the other ‘beauties’ gets to the hospital, Tu Quyen sees Cat Tien there taking care of Andy Quach. Tu Quyen gets angry and the two officially breaks up. We only hear that the person Andy Quach collides with is Vy Nguyen which will be more features in the near future. Tu Quyen was “Crying in the corner” because she finally realizes after she sees Cat Tien being by Andy Quach’s side that she do love Andy. She fakes to be drunk around the other ‘beauties’ because she didn’t want them to be worry over her.
The day of the re-opening of the coffee shop there were no customers at all until Tu Quyen shows up covered in mud. Because of Tu Quyen the shops got filled up by nosy customers who wonder why Tu Quyen was in mud. Dalena, a random customer, asks Minh Tuyet why Tu Quyen was in mud and Minh Tuyet manages to explain. Tu Quyen wanders off and meets Luong Tung Quang; who made her smile. He asks her out immediately which made Tu Quyen happy. This is why I named this episode “A good day after all”.
This episode was inspired by forth of July and the “Fireworks”. Luong Tung Quang and Tu Quyen go on their first date. The date was absolutely romantic until Tu Quyen chase after a robber. However, Luong Tung Quang didn’t mind and seem impressed by it. This will be explains in season two of the story. We then meet Henry Chuc; who searches for his wife, Dalena, the custumer during the previous episode.
Bao Han starts “Day dreaming” at the beginning about her lover online. This episode shows how evil Bao Han’s co-workers are to her. Calvin Hiep, ones of the company designers, stole her designs when she was sleeping after she spends all that time during the forth of July to draw the designs. Ky Duyen, her boss, does not believes her because Calvin Hiep have the designs causing Bao Han to be embarrass and angry. After bumping into Trinh Hoi, Ky Duyen’s husband and also Bao Han’s other boss, Bao Han starts to like Trinh Hoi, but she knew nothing was going to happen since he was already married. This episode also shows us that Van Quynh is a great cook when she makes fried eggs.
The “Surprise discovery” about this episode is that Minh Tuyet and Tu Quyen finds out that Dalena is the dead person in the yard of Eddie Britt. The confusing thing is that Dalena was written down as ‘dead’, but she was talking to them the week before. Van Quynh goes to her first day of cooking class with two of her best friends, Huynh Gia Tuan and Angela Tram Anh. To her dismay the teacher of the class is Huong Lan; who assign her an assignment on the first day.
This was one of my favorite episodes through out the whole season because I took the most time writing every details and movement of the ‘ghost’ supposedly the ‘dead’ Dalena. When I was writing this I got chills because I was imagining the incident… During this episode Tu Quyen wakes up in the middle of the night to find her self being haunted at first by Minh Tuyet who plays a trick on her, but turns out to be a real ‘ghost’ in the bathroom who left her with “A clue”. The clue left many readers stunned and confused, but it will be answer in season two. Bao Han and Trinh Hoi goes to breakfast at the coffee shop and Bang Kieu mistakenly saw them kissing, but they were not. Yes! Bang Kieu will have a large part in the Trinh Hoi - Bao Han - Ky Duyen love triangle later on in the near future.
Bao Han goes to work with a surprise to see Trinh Hoi had stand up to her and is determine to find out the truth about the stolen designs. Both Calvin Hiep and Bao Han decided to sit down and draw one of the designs. Nhu Loan goes to a job interview at the Gucci Company; a modeling company. Tu Quyen once again tells Andy Quach that “It’s over” between the two.
Calvin Hiep didn’t know how to draw the designs that he was assigned. However, Ky Duyen switches up the designs therefore both Calvin Hiep and Bao Han were equally qualify as being the owner. Tuong Khue, another designer, felt sorry for Bao Han and steps forward to say what he saw with Ky Duyen switching designs. Calvin Hiep of course gets fire, but you should realizes that he’s not mark as a guest star but a supporting characters therefore I guarantee that this isn’t the last of him. Tran Thai Hoa, the owner of Gucci Company, interviews Nhu Loan and loves her presence and confident therefore hired her on the first day. The title of the title is “Drunken mistake” because at the end Andy Quach goes out to a bar with Cat Tien to uses wine/beer as a pain reliever. Because of his drunkenness he supposedly slept with Cat Tien.
Andy Quach wakes up to find himself naked in Cat Tien’s bed. We then hear the side of Cat Tien, she only tricks Andy Quach about the two sleeping together to only get him to stay by her side and not any one else. As Bao Han, Nhu Loan and Tu Quyen talks about their daily life they sees Minh Tuyet hugging a mysterious man; who she says is her long time friend. During a crowded moment Tu Quyen sees Henry Chuc and Dalena arguing in the street, but couldn’t find them once she gets out to the street. At the police station we are inform that Tuan Ngoc, the police chief, that Cat Tien and Tu Quyen are now partners. Tu Quyen of course got furious because she thinks Cat Tien is still very fresh and new. This is “Just the beginning” of their corals and arguments. In season two the two will gets into more fights and misunderstanding.
Van Quynh finishes her fried eggs that Huong Lan has assigned to her. However, she switches up the menu to her way because she felt that she was right. During the way to school Van Quynh accidentally almost hit Duong Trieu Vu twice with her car. I made Agela Tram Anh, Huynh Gia Tuan, and Huong Giang to be so annoying in the car is because I feel that this is how teenagers drives these day. Always talking on the phone, eating or is being irritated by close friends which can lead to accidents. Bao Han and “Lu Bu” continue to chat and we find out that he works in the same office as Tu Quyen. Yes! He has appeared in the story. This is the beginning of the on going deadly argument between Minh Tuyet and Bang Tam where Minh Tuyet asks Bang Tam if she can sell her the coffee shop, but Bang Tam refuses. Van Quynh “Fail task” was when Huong Lan thought she did a horrible job at following directions. Angela Tram Anh tricks Van Quynh to teach her the specialty ingredients to making fried eggs so she could teach Duong Trieu Vu; who she knew that Van Quynh likes.
On Nhu Loan’s first day at work she was presented with a horrible dressing room and worst photo shoot possible; she was to lie in mud. After lying in mud Nhu Loan had to take a shower with only cold water and the bathroom she was in even had roaches, but because to the roaches she accidentally bumps into Tran Thai Hoa’s hand. Tu Quyen and Cat Tien continue to argue while Bang Tam continues to refuses Minh Tuyet’s offer. At the end of this episode I thought it was really cute how Van Quynh knew how to comfort and makes the ‘beauties’ happy after “A hard day at work”.
After seeing the photos token of Nhu Loan in the mud Tran Thai Hoa gets furious at how unprofessional it was. He gets fascinated by Nhu Loan and gets her to be the lead model replacing the other model which gets Ngoc Lien, Tran Thai Hoa’s wife, angry. I added the part of the nosy husband and wife, Quang Minh and Hong Dao, because I wanted to show how Tu Quyen could be a strong police women, but at the same time could also be sensitive and sweet. Cat Tien asks in this episode about the door that has never opens – “Lu Bu” room. Minh Tuyet comes to visit Tu Quyen just to uses her, she wanted the information about Bang Tam therefore knocking hot water on Tu Quyen’s file. During this incident Cat Tien films the whole thing. Minh Tuyet is “Threatening” Bang Tam now after she couldn’t get her to sell the shop. Minh Tuyet says that if Bang Tam doesn’t sell her the shop, she would hurt her little brother who has cancer. I know that you readers think that is too far of Minh Tuyet, but in season two you will find out why she had to do it.
Vina Uyen Mi, Gucci Company’s highest receptionist, takes some photos of Tran Thai Hoa and Nhu Loan hugging, but Nhu Loan only hugs Tran Thai Hoa because of her getting to be the lead model in the mud photo shoot. Trinh Hoi and Bao Han go on another ‘friend date’ and Ky Duyen gets jealous; she prints out all the pages between Bao Han and “Lu Bu”. “Minh Tuyet’s hardship” is when Khanh Ly come to the coffee shop and complain about this and that to Minh Tuyet even complaining about the water being to hot or cold. Cat Tien shows Tu Quyen her cell phone and the so called ‘evidence’, but Tu Quyen turns it around and makes Cat Tien looks stupid once again.
Bao Han and “Lu Bu” chats and he promise her that they would meet the next day at noon and she gets very happy. While she was chatting Ky Duyen takes photos of Bao Han in her office. I wanted to add this because I know that Ky Duyen is a very talented photographer. Minh Tuyet gets angry at Kieu Linh, lawyer, when she finds out that Bang Tam have not signed the papers. Bang Kieu coincidently finds Kieu Linh’s business card and at that time Tu Quyen calls when she finds out that Minh Tuyet have printed and searched for Bang Tam. Tu Quyen calls Kieu Linh and meets with him; she gets all the information about why Minh Tuyet needed a lawyer and all the information about Bang Tam. Tran Thai Hoa announces Nhu Loan promotion to being the top model during the week of Gucci yearly fashion show. “Getting blackmail” by Vina Uyen Mi because of her promotion Nhu Loan gets angry.
It all comes to the end. The season finale of “Modern Beauties” began with Nhu Loan pushing Vina Uyen Mi down the staircase. Not actually Nhu Loan, but her spilt personality. This will play a big part in her storyline in season two. Ky Duyen confronts Bao Han about the chatting and her husband. To her surprise Bao Han gets angry and throws the photos and pictures in her face. Tran Thai Hoa takes his friend, “Lu Bu”, to the mall where he will meet Bao Han. However, Bao Han shows ups very late almost missing the chance of meeting him. Once Bao Han sees who he is she was very, very surprise. You too will be very surprise at who it is. For the last time Minh Tuyet asks Bang Tam, but she refuses therefore Minh Tuyet gets angry and gets Bang Tam so angry that she slapped Minh Tueyt across the face. Angela Tram Anh uses her time with Druong Trieu Vu to show Van Quynh that he is hers; she kisses him while she sees. In anger Van Quynh drives crazily through the street. The season finale ends with Bang Tam getting hit by a car and leaving everyone confused at to who might the person behind the wheel be. Maybe Minh Tuyet because of her evil self, or Van Quynh and her reckless driving, or maybe even Bang Kieu who got distracted by the pouring rain.
Overall, I really liked how the season ended with so many mysteries still waiting to be resolves. I know I did this just to make you readers stay with me, but you must understand that if the finale is boring or not as interested then you would not return to read season two. So forgive me for my greedy-ness. I assure you season two will be less hectic and chaotic; maybe more chaotic than but not as rushed into conclusion as this season. Also understand that school will start in a few days for me so the releasing dates of the episodes will be only on a day a week; Sunday. However, when I’m on break you might see an extra episode here or there. Some readers have asked me which storyline I liked best and for me as the writer love them all. However, my favorites have to be the mystery behind Minh Tuyet’s evil deeds and Tu Quyen trying to solve the mystery behind the death of Dalena and Henry Chuc. As for Nhu Loan’s spilt personalities I haven’t thought of anything special for her storyline, but it will develop more during season two. Bao Han’s love storyline will get more complicated and interesting. I assure you! Last but not least I thanks all of you fans that have stuck with me throughout this whole season and hopefully you will return for season two. Also in the next few days I’ll be posting up the cast interview so more hints on next season. Thank you and enjoy!
Labels: commentary
Guest Star (s):
Vina Uyen Mi – Receptionist
Bang Tam – Coffee Shop Owner
“Let go of me!” Nhu Loan screams.
“If you don’t promise me some money I’ll give these photos to Mrs. Ngoc Lien and your career as a model is over.” Vina Uyen Mi holds up the phone.
Nhu Loan pushes Vina Uyen Mi’s hand off, “Why should I care if these photos get into her hands or not.”
“She can destroy your career in 30 minute.”
“Who is she to do that?”
“Maybe she’s the wife of your boss and also the queen of gossip.”
Nhu Loan is shock, “She’s Tran Thai Hoa’s wife?”
“Are you disappointed that you can’t have him for your own?”
Tears suddenly full up into Nhu Loan’s eyes and it starts to burn her, “He’s married…?”
“I knew you like him. I’ll be waiting for that money.” Vina Uyen Mi walks toward the door. “You damn slut!” Vina Uyen Mi whisper under her voice.
A pair of hand from behind grabs Vina Uyen Mi from the shoulder and pulls her back. The pair of hand let go of her shoulder and pushes firmly down the stair. Vina Uyen Mi screams as she rolls down the staircases. Vina Uyen Mi finally stops at the bottom of the stair case with blood spilling everywhere onto the floor.
Nhu Loan’s hand began to shake crazily as she stare down at the dead Vina Uyen Mi, “What have I done?” Nhu Loan hurriedly run down the stair and takes the phone from Vina Uyen Mi carefully enough to not leave any finger prints.
After she deleted the photos from the phone she heads toward the bathroom. Nhu Loan continuously splash water onto her face screaming, “What have you done Nhu Loan? You killed someone! OMG! This isn’t real. It’s only a dream!” She keeps on repeating the words.
“That bitch deserved to die.” A voice calls out.
“Who was that? How did you know?” Nhu Loan looks around the empty bathroom.
“You know that bitch deserve to die!” The voice laughs.
“I killed her. I really didn’t mean too.”
“You didn’t kill her. I did! I’ll do everything that you’re too afraid to do.”
Nhu Loan sobs and screams, “Who the hell are you? How did you…?” Nhu Loan stops and looks at the mirror, “No, no…!” She slowly wipes away the water that covers the mirror. She stares at herself and sees her mouth moving in the mirror, “Hi Nhu Loan!”
[TH & KD Design Company]
Bao Han gets her stuff ready to meet “Lu Bu” at the mall, “Finally the days have come. I can meet my knight and shining armor.” Bao Han heads toward the door.
“Stop…!’ Ky Duyen screams.
Bao Han turns back, “Yes Mrs. Duyen?”
“Where are you going…?”
“It’s lunch hour….”
Ky Duyen throws down a stack of photos. Bao Han picks them up and her eyes widen, “You’ve been spying on me?”
“Not spying, but seeing if the designers I hire for my company are working or not.”
“Mrs. Duyen I’m so very sorry, but I have to go now.” Bao Han looks at the clock past noon.
Ky Duyen laughs, “You’re about to get fire and you’re asking me to leave?”
“I really have to go.”
“Are you that hungry…? Or are you going to go see someone?”
“You read my messages too?” Bao Han is stuns.
Ky Duyen smile, “So it’s true.”
“That’s my own business. You don’t have the rights to do that.” Bao Han rips the pictures.
“I have thousands more. Keep going… Rips them…”
Bao Han have begun to cry, “I’m going to leave now.”
“Go…!” Ky Duyen points at the front gate “Don’t come back because you are fire and don’t ever try to even talk or ‘meet’ with my husband again.”
Bao Han turns around, “What…? You think I’m going out to meet with your husband?”
“Then who else…?”
“You are unbelievable. Your husband is on a business trip to Vancouver and you don’t even know. How are you to even suppose to be his wife?” The clock ticks loudly in Bao Han's ear.
Ky Duyen is embarrass, “Well you chatting during works is unacceptable.”
“Have you realized that during all those time I was chatting were during lunch hour?” Bao Han throws the rip up photos at Ky Duyen. Bao Han looks at her clock and run toward the door.
“You…! How dare you talk to your boss like that?” Ky Duyen stomps back to her room and slam the door.
“Out of signal…? You have to be kidding me.” Tu Quyen holds her cell phone up to the sky. “If I don’t get to Minh Tuyet in time Bang Tam might be in big troubles.”
Tu Quyen paces back and forth still trying to find a signal, “Finally!” Tu Quyen dials the numbers.
“Bang Kieu…?”
“Did you find out anything from the lawyer?”
“Yes. Where is she right now?”
“She went to go see Bang Tam.”
“What…? Can you come pick me up?”
“What’s wrong…?”
“I’ll tell you on the way, but for right now you need to come pick me up!”
“Where are you?”
“I don’t know.” Tu Quyen looks around.
“What does the place look like?”
“I know I’m on a highway, but I don’t know which one.”
“Any one you can ask?”
“There’s no one here…” Tu Quyen sees a car coming her way, “I see someone.”
Tu Quyen sticks out her thumb and the van stop. The mirror of the van rolls down and inside the car sits Tran Thai Hoa.
“Do you need a ride?” Tran Thai Hoa asks.
“No thanks. I just need to ask you which highway this is.”
“Highway 120.”
“Thank you!” Tu Quyen smile.
Tran Thai Hoa rises back up the mirror and drives off leaving Tu Quyen standing with her phone to her ears.
Inside the car “Lu Bu” get himself into the passenger seat from the back, “All set!”
“What were you doing back there dude?”
“Fixing up those roses...”
“I didn’t know you have a girlfriend?”
“Just drive. I’m late!”
[Wisteria Mall]
“Lu Bu” and Tran Thai Hoa stands at the huge and beautiful water fountain in the middle of the mall with “Lu Bu” holding a big bouquet of roses.
“Dude we look stupid.” Tran Thai Hoa tries to hide his face under his hand.
“No every woman wishes their man would do this.”
Tran Thai Hoa rolls his eyes, “How long do we have to stand here? Everyone is staring at us.”
“Just a bit longer…” “Lu Bu” looks at his clock.
“You have to be kidding me!” Bao Han stand with her back to the broke down taxi. “How much longer…?”
“It will be done soon.” The taxi driver fixes the flat wheels.
Bao Han looks at her clock and sees that she is one hour late, “How far is the mall from here?”
“About ten minute.”
“Ten minute by car. If I run it will be about twenty, but I’m in high heels.” Bao Han frowns. “For my ‘Lu Bu’ I’ll have to do this.”
Bao Han pay the taxi driver and starts running toward the mall. “Ouch, ouch, ouch…”
A car honk from behind. Bao Han turns around to see Bang Kieu and Tu Quyen, “Oh thanks god!”
“I didn’t know you exercise this way.” Tu Quyen fixes the air for to Bao Han who lies in the back seat.
“Just… take me… to the mall.” Bao Han breathe heavily.
Bang Kieu shakes his head, “You woman are crazy! Sacrifices your self just to get to the mall.”
“Just… hurry up and… drive.”
“Is there a sale today?” Tu Quyen says excitedly.
Bang Kieu elbow Tu Quyen, “Minh Tuyet…?”
[Wisteria Mall]
“Thank… you!” Bao Han gets herself out of the car slowly.
“If you see anything cute get two for me.” Tu Quyen blows a kiss to Bao Han.
Bao Han looks at her clock again, “I’m so late!” She heads toward the water fountain.
[Bang Kieu’s Car]
“What does she want with Bang Tam?”
“The lawyer told me that she wants Bang Tam to sell her the coffee shop, but Bang Tam refuses.” Tu Quyen takes out the files.
Bang Kieu scratches his chin, “I know she loves the coffee shop, but why a lawyer?”
“Minh Tuyet is not asking nicely though, she forcing Bang Tam to sign or…”
“Or what…?”
“I don’t know. That’s why I’m scare she might do something that she’ll regret late on.”
[Wisteria Mall]
“It has been over an hour, you got stood up dude that never happens.” Tran Thai Hoa laughs.
“You’re right.” “Lu Bu” slams the bouquet of flower into Tran Thai Hoa’s hand and walks away.
“What am I suppose to do with this?” Tran Thai Hoa holds the bouquet, “Damn that…”
“Lu Bu… I finally get to meet you.” Bao Han hugs Tran Thai Hoa.
Tran Thai Hoa face turns bright red, “What are you doing?” He pushes Bao Han away.
“The red roses, the fountain, I’m 'Diao Chan'.” Bao Han blinks rapidly at Tran Thai Hoa.
“I think you’ve mistaken me for him.” Tran Thai Hoa points at “Lu Bu” walking away slowly.
“Then why do you have the bouquet of flower?” Bao Han points.
“He thought you were not coming.”
Bao Han grab the bouquet of flower out of Tran Thai Hoa’s hand, “I knew you were not handsome enough to be my ‘Lu Bu’.”
Bao Han runs toward “Lu Bu” and grab him by the shoulder turning him around, “Lu…” The bouquet of roses falls to the ground breaking to single roses, “Bu…?”
Thunder strikes loudly outside. Rains pour down crazily with the sky turning dark gray.
[Wisteria Hospital, Bang Tam’s Room]
“I’m not kidding around with you.” Minh Tuyet throws the papers onto Bang Tam’s lap.
Bang Tam wipes the tear, “Minh Tuyet pleases! I beg you to let me go.”
“Just sign the damn paper.”
“But this is the only way I can make a living.” Bang Tam begs.
Minh Tuyet grin, “I guess you don’t love your sick little brother.”
Bang Tam gets out of her bed and slap Minh Tuyet across the face, “Why are you doing this?”
Minh Tuyet laughs hysterically, “You watch yourself.” Minh Tuyet storms out of Bang Tam’s room.
Bang Tam falls to the floor and sob, “I’m sorry.” Bang Tam looks at the photo of her little brother and the files of paper Minh Tuyet thrown at her.
[Wisteria High School]
Van Quynh looks outside, “Angela can’t walk home in this weather.” Van Quynh heads back in.
[Cooking Class]
Angela Tram Anh laughs, “You are such a quick learner.”
“Because I have a great teacher...” Duong Trieu Vu smile.
“Don’t put such a huge hat on my head. It will make me blush.”
Duong Trieu Vu gets some flour and rubs it on Angela Tram Anh’s cheeks, “This will help the blushing.”
“How dare you!” Angela Tram Anh rubs the flour back on Duong Trieu Vu’s cheek.
The two starts throwing flour at each other when the side of Angela Tram Anh’s eyes she sees Van Quynh approaching. She takes a deep breath and kiss Duong Trieu Vu on the lip.
Van Quynh drops the key which startles the two. Duong Trieu Vu pushes Angela Tram Anh off. Van Quynh picks up the keys and run off. Tears come pouring out of her eye.
Van Quynh’s tears and the rain pouring down blended into one. Van Quynh gets into her car and drives hurriedly in the rain. She tries to drive steadily, but she couldn’t because of the tears in her eyes. Van Quynh passes her first red light, then another, and another.
[Outside Wisteria Hospital]
“Minh Tuyet where are you?” Bang Tam runs out into the rain, “Where are you? I need to tell you something.” Bang Tam runs into the street, “I finally thought it over and…” She wipes the rain off her face, “And I’ve already sign the…”
A car hit straight into Bang Tam and her body fling onto the front mirror of the car cracking the mirror. Blood drip down onto the mirror, but is wash away by the rain.
The pair of hand behind the wheel squeezes tightly onto the wheel.
Labels: Bang Tam, fanfic, Vina Uyen Mi
Guest Star (s):
Kieu Linh - Lawyer
Vina Uyen Mi – Receptionist
[TH & KD Designs Company]
Diao Chan: I think we should meet.
Lu Bu: Isn’t this enough? Talking to one another?
Diao Chan: You don’t want to know how I look.
Lu Bu: I guarantee you’re beautiful.
Diao Chan: But… I.
Lu Bu: You…?
Diao Chan: I want to know how you look like.
Lu Bu: Do you care that much about the appearance?
Diao Chan: No… well kind of.
Lu Bu: Then I’ll let you.
Diao Chan: Are you serious?
Lu Bu: Meet me at the Wisteria Mall tomorrow at noon.
Diao Chan: How can I recognize you?
Lu Bu: I’ll be holding a bouquet of roses.
Diao Chan: I love roses.
Lu Bu: I’ll ‘see’ you tomorrow.
Diao Chan: Wait!
Lu Bu: Yes?
Diao Chan: Where will you stand?
Lu Bu: Near the center water fountain.
Diao Chan: Ok!
Bao Han spins around in her chair smiling widely with her hand over her head, “I’m finally going to meet my ‘Lu Bu’.”
Inside Ky Duyen’s Office Ky Duyen zoom the camera toward the computer and Bao Han’s smiling face. Snap, snap the camera clicks. Ky Duyen puts down the camera, “Who says being a photographer was a waste Trinh Hoi?”
[Police Station, Tu Quyen’s Office]
After turning on her computer, Tu Quyen immediately went to her history pages to see what Minh Tuyet printed out. Tu Quyen looks closely at all the things she searched for and printed out. “Bang Tam…? I didn’t search for her. Why would Minh Tuyet need information on Bang Tam?” Tu Quyen press on Bang Tam’s name and a page of Bang Tam’s information pop up. “She has never been in jail or even got involve with the police. She seems too good to be true, but why did Minh Tuyet search for her? Bang Kieu…?” Tu Quyen picks up her cell phone.
[Coffee Shop]
“How…?” Minh Tuyet slams the files onto the table aggressively.
“What am I to do?” Kieu Linh rolls his eyes.
Minh Tuyet points at his face, “You’re supposed to be a lawyer, my lawyer and…”
“And what…? You want me to threaten her to sign the paper?”
“Exactly…!” Minh Tuyet screams.
Kieu Linh picks up his suite case and accidentally one of his business card fell out of his suitcase, “You’re crazy! Get another lawyer.”
“If you walk out of that room don’t expect to receive any money!” Minh Tuyet screams.
Kieu Linh shakes his head and storm out of the coffee shop bumping into Bang Kieu, “Crazy woman!”
Bang Kieu walks into the coffee shop confused, “What happened…?”
“My law… I mean that customer was unbelievable, he…” Bang Kieu interrupts, “You don’t need to explain. I believe you!”
“Here let me take those bags to the back.” Minh Tuyet takes the bags from Bang Kieu and heads toward the back.
Bang Kieu smile sweetly at Minh Tuyet and sit down on the chair, “What’s this?” Bang Kieu picks up Kieu Linh’s Business card from under his butt. “Wasn’t this the guy…? Lawyer…?”
Suddenly his cell phone rings.
“Hello?” Bang Kieu answer.
“Bang Kieu…? This is Tu Quyen.”
“Can’t reach Minh Tuyet...? She’s…”
“No! I need to talk to you.”
“That’s odd since we’ve met you have never call me.”
“I’m scare of Minh Tuyet being jealous.”
“So what do you need to talk to me about?”
“Can you tell me why would Minh Tuyet need information about Bang Tam for?”
“Bang Tam…? Why would she need information for?”
“That’s why I’m calling to ask you. If you don’t know I’ll find someone else. Bye.”
“What it is?”
“Today I saw her talking to a lawyer.”
“I don’t know what they were talking about, but she seems pretty angry.”
“Only if we can get in touch with him…”
“I have his business card.”
“You are awesome!”
“The phone number is (682) 472-5936.”
“Thanks I’ll inform you on more information when I find out.”
Bang Kieu hang up the phone and looks at the card, “Bang Tam…? Lawyer…? Information…? Why…?”
“What are you looking at?” Minh Tuyet walks back into the room.
“Nothing…!” Bang Kieu stuff the card into the pocket.
[Police Station, Tu Quyen’s Office]
“Lawyer…? What does she want with a lawyer?” Tu Quyen presses the number. The phone rings once, twice, for a third time and finally a man picks up.
“Hello?” Kieu Linh answer.
“Is this a lawyer?”
“Yes. I’m Kieu Linh! What do you need?”
“I need a lawyer. That’s the reason I called you.”
“Do you want to sue or a lawyer to defend?”
“As of the moment I have lots of questions. Can we meet…?”
“I’m driving back to my office. You can always come in.”
“I’m coming, but I don’t quite know the way. Can you come pick me up at the Wisteria Police station?”
[Outside Police Station]
Tu Quyen stand on the side walk waiting impatiently, “What’s taking him so long?”
At the corner of the street an SUV turns into the corner and it drives toward Tu Quyen. The mirror rolls down and in the car sit a guy with bushy facial hair, “Are you?”
“What do you want?” Tu Quyen reaches into her pocket ready to show him her badge.
“I’m Kieu Linh. The lawyer...!”
“What…?” Tu Quyen is shock.
“Who did you think I was?” Kieu Linh takes off his shade.
Tu Quyen gets into the car. “I didn’t know lawyer now a day’s look like robbers.” Tu Quyen whispers under her voice.
“Now what do you need me for?”
“I want you to ask you some question.”
“Go ahead!”
“I need you to tell me why one of your customer, Minh Tuyet, hired you for.”
The car stop; both Kieu Linh and Tu Quyen swing forward, “I don’t think that’s necessary.”
“It is necessary now?” Tu Quyen holds out her police badge.
“You’re scaring me with your driver license?” Kieu Linh unlocks the car.
“What?” Tu Quyen looks at her badge, “Oops wrong one!” Tu Quyen pulls out her other wallet with her police badge on it.
Kieu Linh raises his hand up, ‘I want no trouble!”
“Then tell me why Minh Tuyet hired you.”
“She wanted me to bring some document for some girl at the hospital to sign.”
“Bang Tam…?”
“Yes! But the girl refused to sign so Minh Tuyet fire me.”
“What papers?”
“Those in my suitcase...” Kieu Linh points at his suitcase.
Tu Quyen pulls it up and takes out the documents, “These?”
Tu Quyen takes the document, throws the suitcase at Kieu Linh and ran out the door. Tu Quyen continues running away from the car. After a few minute Tu Quyen turns around and notices the car driving away.
“What kind of documents are these?” Tu Quyen observes. “This is ridicules. How could Minh Tuyet do this…?” Tu Quyen looks around at the deserted highway and cries, “Now how am I suppose to go home?”
[Gucci Company, Tran Thai Hoa’s Office]
“I want you to be walk as the top model next week at the Gucci yearly fashion show.” Tran Thai Hoa announces.
Nhu Loan’s jaw drops, “Are you serious…?”
“I’m the boss. I don’t tell lies.” Tran Thai Hoa winks.
“Oh my god…!” Nhu Loan jumps up and down and hugs Tran Thai Hoa. Once again Tran Thai Hoa face turns bright red.
Nhu Loan shyly let go of Tran Thai Hoa, “I’m sorry again!”
“You have a tendency to choke people when you’re happy.”
Nhu Loan chuckles, “Thank you…!” Nhu Loan excuses herself and walk out of the office still smiling. Nhu Loan walks toward the back of the building to her room. When she walks near the staircases a pair of hand reaches out and pulls her in.
“OMG Kidnapper…!” Nhu Loan slaps and kicks.
Vina Uyen Mi smacks Nhu Loan on the forehead, “Idiot…! If I wanted to kidnap you, I would not do it in the company.”
“Why did you have to sneak up on me like that?” Nhu Loan fixes her hair.
“I need to talk to you secretly.” Vina Uyen Mi smile devilishly.
Nhu Loan steps back, “What do you want?”
Vina Uyen Mi pulls Nhu Loan toward her, “I heard you got a promotion.”
“What promotion?” Nhu Loan is confused.
“Don’t lie to me. I heard you’ll be the top number one model next week at the fashion show.”
“Well if you say that’s a promotion then yes.”
Vina Uyen Mi takes out her cell phone, “Perfect!”
“What are you doing with your cell phone?”
Vina Uyen Mi gives Nhu Loan the phone, “Take a look at these photos.”
Nhu Loan takes the cell phone and sees the photos of her hugging Tran Thai Hoa, “So…? What’s wrong with these photos?”
“You’re hugging the boss…”
“And…? Is that a problem? He was giving me a congratulating hugs.” Nhu Loan gives Vina Uyen Mi back her cell phone.
“Do you think anyone would believe you? Especially right after you got the promotion for basically doing nothing. ”
“I did do that photo shoot.”
“One photo shoots. No one will believe you.”
Nhu Loan eyes turn red, “Why are you doing this?”
Vina Uyen Mi smile, “Honey, you should know this is a dog eat dog industry and it’s all about the money.”
“You want to blackmail me?”
“If that’s what you call it then yes.” Vina Uyen Mi shrugs.
Nhu Loan heads toward the door, “I’m not giving you any money!”
Vina Uyen Mi grabs Nhu Loan arms.
Labels: fanfic, Kieu Linh, Vina Uyen Mi
Labels: fanfic, My Linh, Vina Uyen Mi
Guest Star (s):
Vina Uyen Mi – Receptionist
Bang Tam – Owner of coffee shop
James Nguyen – Police men
Spencer – Police men
[Gucci Company]
Tran Thai Hoa throws the pile of photos that Nhu Loan was in as the background model lying in the mud onto the table angrily, “Are these supposed to be professionals? Even my grandmother can takes better photos then these.”
“I don’t know sir, but we are not in charge of the way the photos are taken. I only pick the models.” Vina Uyen Mi looks to the ground.
“The main model doesn’t look too professional and I expect every single photo taken and release to be flawless.” Tran Thai Hoa sits down onto his chair.
“I’m sorry sir.”
“Where is everyone else?” Tran Thai Hoa pushes the photos to the ground and onto Ngoc Lien’s legs; who just walked into the room.
Ngoc Lien kicks the photos off her leg, “What did you guys do to make him so mad?”
“Look at the photos!” Tran Thai Hoa spins his chair around to where the back of his seat faces Ngoc Lien.
Ngoc Lien stands and stares at Vina Uyen Mi who picks up the photos to show it to her. Ngoc Lien evaluates and observes the photos, “They’re done quite well.”
“For a thousand dollar Budget Company…!” Tran Thai Hoa slams his hand onto the table.
“If you don’t like it we can re-do the photo shoot.” Ngoc Lien smile forcefully.
Tran Thai Hoa points at the photos, “I want the main model fire.”
Vina Uyen Mi sits and tries to listen while types down what ever Tran Thai Hoa says, “I’ll go do right after this meeting.”
“If we fire her then I’ll pick another model.” Ngoc Lien heads toward the door.
“No need…” Tran Thai Hoa stops her.
Ngoc Lien turns around with a force smile on her face, “I usually choose all the models for photo shoot.”
“I already have a model in mind for this one. Let the background model in those photos be the main model.”
“But she’s a newbie.” Ngoc Lien says.
“She outshines the main model in every aspect in those photos.”
Ngoc Lien takes a deep breath, “What can I do? You are the boss.” Ngoc Lien walks out the door snapping her fingers for Vina Uyen Mi to follow.
“It’s good to be king.” Tran Thai Hoa sits down onto his chair and smile widely.
[Police Station, Tu Quyen’s office]
“It doesn’t matter if you two are in an argument or anything, but you don’t hit your wife.” Tu Quyen slams her hands onto the table scaring the couple sitting in front of her.
“But she…” The man, Quang Minh, tries to talk.
Tu Quyen slam her hand once again, “I don’t hear anything! The only thing that matter now is that you hit your wife and I don’t tolerate that kind of bullshit.”
The woman, Hong Dao, hold her face and cries dramatically, “He hit and beat me everyday. I can’t take it anymore so I call the police…”
“You…!” Quang Minh tries to talk when Tu Quyen interrupts, “Shut up…! I don’t want to hear you. If you hit her ever again I’ll put you in jail for life.”
“She can do that…?” Quang Minh turns around and looks at all the polices, chiefs, mail mans, ect. nodding at him.
Tu Quyen screams, “Do you think of your children? This bickering and argument going between you two will affect them tremendously.”
Hong Dao burst out crying and screaming, “My children…! Why did you make them have bad parents like us?”
“I’m sorry honey that I’ve hurt you and the kids all these years.” Quang Minh grabs Hong Dao’s hand.
“It’s more like a free therapy then a capturing.” Cat Tien says confusedly.
Andy Quach smile, “This isn’t the first.”
“Usually most couples come in here and make a big scene wanting to see Madam Quyen only.” Cardin Nguyen says.
“Because most of us are guys they cry and scream until they make it into this room.” Evan Le points into the room.
James Nguyen points at Quang Minh and Hong Dao, “That couple come in once a week…”
“And only madam Quyen can handle them.” Spencer finishes.
Tu Quyen points out the door, “Now I want you two to go home and live happily as a family. I don’t want to see both of you in this police station again you hear?”
Quang Minh and Hong Dao hold each others hand and walk out the police station kissing and smiling.
“Only she can do it.” Tuan Ngoc shakes his head as he heads toward his office.
Tu Quyen closes the file, “Another one done.” She then realizes all the peoples peaking into her office and walks toward it, “Don’t you have a job to do?”
Everyone starts running crazily either back to their desk or out the police office.
Tu Quyen was about to close the door when someone pulls the door open. Standing on the other side was Minh Tuyet, “Am I not welcome?”
“What are you doing here?” Tu Quyen lets Minh Tuyet in.
[Police Station, Center Room]
“I thought that there was no visitor during working hours.” Cat Tien rolls her eyes.
Cardin Nguyen pats Cat Tien on the back, “What can we do? She’s our madam.”
“I don’t think it’s fair.” Cat Tien pouches.
Evan Le points at the clock, “It is fair. Lunch hour…!”
Everyone in the police station starts running to go get lunch leaving Cat Tien sitting alone looking at Tu Quyen’s door with envy. Cat Tien then looks across the room to see the only door that might contain her only escape to her freedom from Tu Quyen.
[Police Station, Tu Quyen’s office]
“What are you doing here?” Tu Quyen sits at her chair.
Minh Tuyet place two white to-go rice box on Tu Quyen’s desk, “I know you’re too busy to get yourself some lunch so I brought it to you.”
Tu Quyen grabs one of the white boxes, “When did you turn all caring and nice?”
“Always have…!” Minh Tuyet winks at Tu Quyen.
Tu Quyen opens the white box to see fresh white rice with fried beefs and crab juice, “What I’ve been wanting.”
Both Minh Tuyet and Tu Quyen began to eat. Minh Tuyet stands up from her chair and walk over to Tu Quyen; who minimize her pages so Minh Tuyet couldn’t see.
“I can’t even see it?” Minh Tuyet put the spoon in her mouth.
Tu Quyen looks up at Minh Tuyet, “You know that I can’t show you anything related to police stuff.”
“Whatever…! What are you doing these days anyway?” Minh Tuyet is nosy.
Tu Quyen looks at Tu Quyen with wide eye, “Like I said before, I can’t tell you anything. However, I can tell you that the Henry Chuc and Dalena situation is very suspenseful.”
“How is that?”
“I don’t get how she could be brutally murder and then appear at your shop. Then on the other day I saw them talking to each other in the middle of the street.” Tu Quyen scratches her head.
“You saw them talking to each other?” Minh Tuyet is surprise.
Tu Quyen nods, “Yes! I’m loosing my mind over this case.”
“Hey Tu Quyen can you go get me a cup of hot water?” Minh Tuyet asks nicely.
Tu Quyen stands up from her chair and walk to the door, “You don’t touch anything.”
Minh Tuyet puts her hand to the air. After Tu Quyen leaves Minh Tuyet quickly maximize the page Tu Quyen was looking at; Tu Quyen was looking at once again the police profile page of Dalena. Minh Tuyet moves the mouse to the search place and types in Bang Tam.
After a few second a page with Bang Tam’s face pops up with her name, birthday, sex, ect. Minh Tuyet began to scroll down the page to see anything special. Suddenly she hears someone walking toward the door. Minh Tuyet kept calm and presses the print button.
The door opens and Tu Quyen enter with a hot cup of water, “Here’s a hot cup of water added with the love of your best friend.”
“Thank you!” Minh Tuyet stands up hurriedly and knocks the cup of water out of Tu Quyen’s hand. The cup of hot water splashes onto Tu Quyen table of files.
“The files…!” Tu Quyen screams.
With one hand Minh Tuyet helps Tu Quyen while with the other hand takes the printed papers out of the printer, “I’m so sorry.”
After Minh Tuyet puts the files into her purse she fully tries to help Tu Quyen. After they finish the files were all blurred and mess up.
Tu Quyen cries, “It took me 4 days to do this now it’s all ruin.”
“I’m so sorry Tu Quyen. I should’ve have stand up so quickly.” Minh Tuyet frowns.
“It’s ok.” Tu Quyen sighs.
Minh Tuyet stands up and walks over to hug Tu Quyen, “I have to leave now. If you need my help with anything on the files, you can tell me.”
Tu Quyen waves at Minh Tuyet who walks out the door with a devilish smile on her face. Tu Quyen takes a deep breath and pushes the files to the floor. Outside her office Cat Tien sit at her desk filming the incident with her videophone, “Let’s see how much longer can you boss me around?”
[Outside Police Station, Minh Tuyet’s Car]
Sitting in the driver seat Minh Tuyet takes the paper out of her purse with a bright smile on her face, “Thank you!” Minh Tuyet flips through the pages finding nothing, “She hasn’t done anything wrong involving the police.” Minh Tuyet continues to look around and suddenly her smile widen at a picture of Bang Tam’s little brother.
[TH & KD Designs Company]
Ky Duyen slaps one of the girl designer across the face, “You slut!”
“I didn’t mean to do it Mrs. Duyen.” The girl designer holds her face.
Ky Duyen holds up a stack of pictures, “You’re one of the best designer in our company. Don’t we pay you enough?”
“I didn’t want to, but…”
“The door is right there. Go…!” Ky Duyen points at the door.
The girl designer cries her way out the door leaving Ky Duyen with teary eyes as she stomp her way back to her office.
“Two top design in two week.” Truc Linh makes a worried face.
Truc Lam rolls her eyes, “It’s great for top designer to be fire.”
“Why do you say that?” Truc Linh asks.
“Don’t you see that since both Mrs. Duyen top designers are gone, she must need two to replace the spots?” Truc Lam winks at Truc Linh.
Truc Linh smile, “That must be us two because we’ve been here the longest and has the most experience.”
Bao Han whisper under her voice, “Been here the longest and you both don’t have any great designs.”
Bao Han walks back over to her desk and turns on the computer and sees that someone had aim her.
Lu Bu: Hey!
Diao Chan: You usually never aim me at this hour.
Lu Bu: It’s lunch time for me.
Diao Chan: I just finish eating lunch.
Lu Bu: Anything new lately?
Diao Chan: Another top designer just got fire.
Lu Bu: Two in a roll. Score!
Diao Chan: Why would you say that?
Lu Bu: Two booted out meaning you might have a chance to move up.
Diao Chan: I don’t want to rise like that. I want to get a raise for my designs.
Lu Bu: I hope you the best of luck.
Diao Chan: g2g someone is coming. Bye, bye.
[Police Station, “Lu Bu’s” Office]
“Lu Bu” closes his laptop and walks to the window; he uses his hand to push down the window covering to look across the room at Tu Quyen’s office.
“Lu Bu” sees Tu Quyen working hard trying to retype all of the paper that was ruined by Minh Tuyet. He quickly let go of the window covering the minute Tu Quyen look directly toward his office.
[Hospital, Bang Tam’s Room]
Once again with a basket of fruits and a bocce of flower, but this time Minh Tuyet had something else in her purse ready to make a scene. Minh Tuyet places down the items onto the counter like always and sit onto the bed next to Bang Tam.
“How are you feeling today?” Minh Tuyet asks sweetly.
Bang Tam take a deep breath, “The doctor told me that I’m healthy enough to get out the hospital next week.”
“That’s great to hear.” Minh Tuyet smile.
“When I get out, I want to once again be the owner of the coffee shop and you two will be welcome anytime you want to visit.”
“I guess you have thought it through that you won’t sell it to me.” Minh Tuyet stands up.
Bang Tam hold Minh Tuyet’s hand, “I need this shop. This is the only way to support myself and…”
“…Your little brother who has cancer?” Minh Tuyet interrupts.
“How did… how?” Bang Tam is confused.
Minh Tuyet throws the stack of papers onto Bang Tam’s bed, “You don’t want anything to happen to that little kid do you?”
Bang Tam grabs Minh Tuyet’s hand, “This is between us. Please don’t mess with him.”
Minh Tuyet pulls her hand away from Bang Tams’, “My lawyer will be here next week. I want to hear that you sign the paper and if I don’t hear what I wants then don’t blame me…”
“Please, please don’t hurt him.” Bang Tam cries trying to get out of the bed.
Minh Tuyet grabs her purse and walks out of the hospital leaving Bang Tam sobbing and hugging the picture of her little brother on the printed out paper, “Please, please don’t hurt him.”
[Gucci Company]
Nhu Loan stands in her little dirty room this time with an elegant white dress and a big smile across her face, “This is so beautiful.”
Vina Uyen Mi slams at the door, “We don’t have all day!”
Nhu Loan smile happily once again and open the door. Vina Uyen Mi starts walking letting Nhu Loan trailing her in the white dress.
“You are quite lucky. Not every new model gets to be the main model of a world wide photo shoot.”
“I want to thanks you…”
Vina Uyen Mi looks at Nhu Loan, “You think I got you the job? You must thank the boss of the place.”
“But I’ve never met the…” Nhu Loan thinks back to the interview and the incident between the two when she bumps into him.
They reach the same room from yesterday where she had to lay in mud, but this time she was to stand on the bridge looking up. Nhu Loan walks herself to the bridge and starts to pose shyly.
“What kind of poses are those?” The photographer screams.
Nhu Loan takes a deep breath, “He believed in me.” Nhu Loan then starts to pose sexily looking fiercely at the camera amazes the photographer and everyone in the room.
“She’s a newbie?” The photographer is amaze.
The light shines brightly into Nhu Loan’s eyes, but she keep on smiling and posing just like a professional.
Labels: Bang Tam, Cardin Nguyen, Evan Le, fanfic, Hong Dao, James Nguyen, Ngoc Lien, Quang Minh, Spencer, Truc Lam, Truc Linh, Vina Uyen Mi
Labels: Bang Tam, fanfic, lay minh, Vina Uyen Mi